Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
We will be taking my dad to Philly on Sunday to see some new Doctors on Monday. We are full of hope for some good news. Please remember him in your prayers, he was diagnosed with small cell cancer in June of this year in his lungs, liver and esophagus and has been doing chemo since July. He is a very kind sweet man even if he is my Dad. As you can see in this picture even when he lost his hair and so much weight he was still trying to make us smile. And those aren't his teeth either! I will post when we return on how it went. Have a great Halloween!!!
Friday, October 26, 2007

Right now I feel like I am on a crazy ride. With my Dad being sick(we leave on Sunday to take him to Philly to see some new Dr's), adoption issues (haven't felt like posting all that's going on with that), Brady's crazy schedule (which I love and am glad I have him to do it with, he is one of my biggest blessings in life), Mikees stressful job. Life is full of challenges and sometimes we get off track and want to give up, or at least I do. I think Mikee keeps preparing me for the worse, but it makes me very sad. I know we have to think about these things but I don't like to. It causes stress in your relationships with the people you love the most at home and outside. Today is rainy and I was going to go to Gville with Mikee but I decided to just stay here. Which by the way I am sure he didn't like that i did that. If I didn't have a few things I must get done like pay my car tax's before I get stopped and they see my sticker is overdue I would not leave this house!!! Do you ever have days like this or is it just me. The things are getting to me I need something to take my mind off of them. I need a hobby. Send me some suggestions. I guess I will get dressed and pay those taxes now. Hope you all have a safe and happy weekend.
Thursday, October 25, 2007

I am thankful that my child goes to a school where prayer is allowed and encouraged. I was talking to a lady in a gift shop yesterday about these little coupon books of prayer that she had by the register when she told me the story behind them. A mother of three made the book because she wanted her children to have something to read during their silent time in the morning at school, she tears out one each day then at night they discuss what it means. Neat idea! I bought one (of course) to use for nightly devotions with Brady. Hope you all have a THANKFUL THURSDAY.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I found this on another blog and thought it was awesome. We will be carving our pumpkin like this this year.
The Pumpkin Prayer
Dear God,
As I carve my pumpkin help
me say this prayer:
Open my mind so I can learn about You;
(Cut the top of the pumpkin) - Colossians 3:2
Take away all my sin and forgive me
for the wrong things I do.
(Clean out the inside) - 1 John 1:9
Open my eyes so Your love I will see;
(Cut eyes shaped like hearts) - Psalms 34:8
I'm sorry for turning up my
nose to all You've given me.
(Cut a nose in the shape of the cross) - Psalms 92:1
Open my ears so Your word I will hear;
(Cut ears shaped like the Bible) - Isaiah 55:3
Open my mouth so I can
tell others You're near.
(Cut mounth in the shape of a fish) - Psalms 118:17
Let Your light shine in all
I say and do! Amen.
(Place a candle inside and light) - Matthew 5:16
"Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works and glorify your
Father in heaven."
The other day Brady and I had a talk about doing nice things for your neighbors, so we decided to make some peanut butter cookies for them. I told him to pick 5 families to make cookies for. He did the whole thing himself. We took cookies to the widow down the street, the babysitters family and several others including Brady's orthodontist. It was a good time for Brady to ring the door bell and say I made these for you JUST BECAUSE!!! At Brady's school they really talk allot about community so I am enforcing that at home as well. On a Oprah show this summer she did a series of get out and meet your neighbors and do something nice for them. We didn't go to the extreme of redoing all their patios like Oprah did but the cookies were a big hit. Have a good Tuesday!

Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday was the Habitat for Humanity ground breaking for the Cox (my husbands family business) house. My husbands family business has decided to build a house. The sweet young lady has six children and is really a hard worker and come a long way in the program. It was so awesome to meet her and talk to her on Saturday. It makes me very thankful for what God has given me and even though I do for others it makes me want to do more. I have attached a few pictures for you to enjoy. I did not stay and work on Saturday I will be there on the painting day. You could say that I like instant gratification.

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
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Click to play | Make your own Smilebox |
Mikee took me to see Hairspray the musical at the Koger Center as a little birthday celebration. It was great. Made you want to get up and dance!! We had a fun night especially when we got home and had Billy there to get you going. When Billy and I get together we can be very silly. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
If someone were to ask me today "WHAT AM I THANKFUL FOR?" I would say my family. God has blessed me in so many ways but what I am most thankful for is a loving and giving husband (not only to me but to my family and others in our community) and a healthy, happy child. We sometimes get so caught up in out day to day lives that we forget what we have right at home. Being with the McDaniel's family this week and experiencing their loss of their daughter really made me think about the time we have with our children. Brady is 8 and so in 9 years he will be off to college, in the big picture that isn't long. Give your kids that extra hug spend that extra time even when you are in a hurry. WHAT ARE YOU MOST THANKFUL FOR??
Monday, October 8, 2007

Last night I was laying upstairs with Brady getting ready to read a book when the phone started to ring. I normally do not answer it when I am reading but for some reason I did. It was my Aunt Joan who was very upset, could hardly talk from crying. She proceeded to tell me that the neighbors daughter that lives beside my cousin Trista was killed in a car accident on I 26. I got up put some clothes on and went to their home which is only a few minutes from mine. They are a nice military family with one daughter Lindsey, 17 years old in September. The mother was on the porch and the Dad in the house both in shock from the news. My heart broke and I mean broke for this family. I stayed with them for a while and made some arrangements for them then came home. I have to say I held Brady a little closer than normal and welcomed him in bed with us when he walked in at 3am this morning. Today was a very hard day for them with having to pick out things for the service and all. My Aunt and I had the honor of getting Lindsey's clothes together and as sad as it was I was glad that I could do this for them. I called our new pastor at our church and he came over and had a prayer with them and visited for a while. I could tell that his being there was such a comfort to them even though they had never laid eyes on him before. The family will be taking Lindsey back to Pennsylvania where they are originally from on Thursday to have ceremonies. Please remember this family during this hard time that they may see Gods Grace in this accident that took their only child and always show KINDNESS to everyone you met you never know what they are going through and how you can impact their life.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I love getting out the Halloween decorations because I know that Christmas, my favorite time to decorate will be here soon!! Yeah!!! Last year my sister n law got me this great ghost at the Atlanta Market for our new house that is awesome in the big tree out front. I loved it last year and even more this year. I had kids ask me earlier in the week where is your big ghost Mrs. Cyndi. I was feeling a little creative so I decided to put a wreath together for the front door so I am attaching some pictures so you can see what I came up with. I like to add something new every year to my collection and this year the big black spider by the front door is the winner. I hope you are all enjoying your weekend we have been at a Cub Scout Cuboree all day (8 til 3) and I am very, very, very tired. Until next time.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I was in a local shop that I visit yesterday picking up a few things for Lilly Rae's closet and ran into a lady that I haven't seen in a while. She is a 15 year breast cancer survivor and told me she had just had it again over the summer. She is doing well but very upset by some other news. Her daughter who is young single mother had decided to have her breast removed to prevent ever having breast cancer since it ran in her family, when she did it was to late she already had cancer in both breast. She had just had a mammogram earlier in the month. Please keep this mother and daughter in your prayers they are really going through a hard time and don't know what the next step is for the daughters treatment. It is very important that we have ourselves checked and not let things go.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
OK scroll down and check out the short Jib Jab video. It took me a while to learn how to put it on the blog but I finally figured it out. I love it, it is so funny.
Have a good Wednesday.
Have a good Wednesday.
Monday, October 1, 2007
After getting Brady feed and off to school I went upstairs to check my e-mail and get some things straight when I was sitting at the computer (which is a closet turned into a little computer office with a window with plantation shutters) I jumped by the site of something big and black going by the window on the roof. When I stood up and stepped back to see what it was it was just SOX (coolest cat in the world by the way) on the roof hanging out. I opened the window but there is a screen so he just looked at me like why aren't you letting me in??? He then just hung out on the roof looking into Brady's room for a while. Who knows how he got down but when I went to the car he was waiting at the door for me. I think he just likes pulling jokes on me.
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