As you can see from the above picture the house is back to normal all Christmas put away in its place, thanks to my hubby for helping for 2 days straight. I could not have done it without him! We have never taken down our Christmas the day after but this year we just got up and started and didn't stop. I have to say it felt good to get it done. I think allot of it had to do with I just wanted 2008 behind me. It has been a hard year for me, mostly because of the loss of my Dad. As Mikee put it best, he was my constant in my life. I never thought of it that way but he was. My Dad was a single Dad since I was 2, it was in 1974 that he got full custody of me and back then that wasn't easy. He never got married until 2 years ago this March. I was his number one priority and so he just dated long term and that was it. I am so thankful for my Dad and all the great memories I have of him. He will always be so important to me and I know I will strive to be a better person because of him. This past year has also been hard because my Dads family hasn't taken his death well either and it has caused some walls to go up between us, I have prayed for them daily and hope that one day they will see we all had my Dads best in mind. So with that said I HOPE 2009 will be a great year for us all. I never stick to resolutions so no need to make them I do have some things I would like to do and be better at that I have written in my daily devotion book. I will not make you listen to them all but here are a few.
*Prayer warrior, I want prayer to be the first thing I do in the morning before my feet hit the floor. This will be the hardest for me since I am not a morning person at all.
*I really want to cook more this year for two reasons, its so much healthier for us and it will save allot of money.
*Exercise daily!! I struggle with that. I get on a kick and do great for a while then I come home from carpool and I just want to take a nap for a while then my day is shot! So no more naps in the morning for me in 09.
*Decide on a church. We have been at the same church for 9 years and its a great church. Recently I feel God is leading me to go somewhere else. I pray that he will guide me and my family to where we will best serve him.
*Our adoption, I don't know where God is taking us in this but I know his hand is in it. I think God puts desires in our hearts for a reason and he will fulfill them in his time and not ours. You see that is where I have to sit back and fully rely on him and wait on his time. I will say the other day I told a good friend I had this sense of peace about it that I haven't had before so maybe this is the year!
Well that's just a few I have many more hopes for 2009 I would love to hear some of yours so let me know when you post them.
Happy 2009 to you guys, hope its the best yet!
I hope this year is much better to you. As time helps ease your pain, you learn to look back at the good times you had with your Dad and hopefully not with sadness. I feel like your husband, your Dad WAS your constant, the one person in your life who was always there and who always put YOU first. What a great thing to be able to say!
My two resolutions are to eat more healthy and exercise. I don't do mornings either and I totally know what you mean about morning naps! When the house is quiet, it's hard to get moving! I need to get some of this weight off though and taking naps or sitting at the computer blogging, is not the way to get it off:)
Hope to see you soon!
Again I am so sorry about your loss. It sounds like your dad was an incredible and dedicated father. I believe with my whole heart he still is. When you said you felt peace... Don’t you think it could it possibly be your dad acting as your advocate? Our family felt help and strength following the passing of my own father. Still do. So many times we knew he was right there to help us. He remains a beautiful blessing in my life.
I also pray this is your year Lilly Rae makes it her family and beautiful bedroom:) Your home looks beautiful, warm and inviting.
Eventhough I'm not sure where I found it, I really enjoy your blog. I lost my dad several years ago and the saying is true. Time really does heal. You still miss the person, sometimes you still NEED the person, and you can still have a good cry now and then; but somehow your heart will begin to heal and you know that you can go on and not feel guilty any more.
I wanted to share with you the things I wrote in my journal for 2009. I am no good at keeping resolutions; but, here is my list: (I plan to frame this and put it in my bathroom so I can look at it everyday while I brush my teeth.)
Today I Choose To...
Laugh More
Be Happy with Less
Trust More
Decide to Love More
Be Deliberate
Be Quiet
Say, "I would be delighted to..."
Choose My Words Wisely
Do Patience
Have an amazingly blessed 2009.
Cyndi I pray that this year is so much better for you, I pray that you find comfort in your Heavenly Fathers arms while you are learning to live without the arms of your earthly father until you see him again.
Alot of our hopes for 2009 are the same. Let's do it ok!!!!! I know we can.
I want to be a better praying person. I need to learn to pray everyday for God to reveal himself to me. I get so busy and sometimes just forget and I struggle with that so much.
Your home is beautiful and this year I did the same, took it down earlier than usual, I just wanted to get on with 2009. When is your LID?
Love and blessings, Kristy
I am praying for us both to have the best year yet! I know that seems unlikely since we are both still so sad about our losses, but the Lord works wonders everyday! What a great post!!!
I am so sorry for your loss. Your Dad sounds like he was an amazing man.
I wish you much peace, love and happiness in 2009. Hang in there!
I love, love, love your family room too!
Cydni, thanks for being so open and sharing. Your Dad sounds like he was amazing. What a lucky girl you are to have such a love and great memories of him.
I know 2009 will be great for you!
Jennifer :)
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